Thursday, August 25, 2011

tips balik kampung.


helo buddies.

arini da 25 Ramadhan, sok plak 26 Ramadhan bersamaan dgn hari jumaat iaitu hari teakhir bekerja maka berpusu2 la orang2 yg bermastautin di bandar yg mana asalnya dr kampung akan balik ke kampung masing2 bg meraikan Hari Raya Aidilfitri bersama keluarga techenta.hah! ble fulstp skg.

so pada korang yg nk balik beraya tu harap2 pandu cermat jiwa selamat ok! bak kta PM kita jgn jadikan jalan raya sebagai kubur xbertanda. dlam btol mkna nya kan? so! here me nk tulis tips la cket altho me tau xd la ramai mana pon yg akan baca.wakakaka

tips balik kampung dari Tasya Comei.haha~

1) pastikan anda telah servis kereta anda paling lmbat pon sminggu sbelom balik raya tok elakan kejadian mcm yg kt Ganu kita tuh,,yg dia bengang bab kete rosak smp nak sembelih anak bca paper kan? jgn plak nnt lau anak xd p sembelih plak isteri.xd isteri bunuh diri ye.. huahuahua

2) pastikan dah ad kad Touch n Go  atau Smart Tag dlm porch korang. snang la kan nnt nk balik raya,,just Touch pastu Go je la or tetet (smart tag punya bunyi) pastu jalan la..pada yg guna TnG tu pastu driver nya tu plak kecik molek kan pilihlah toll gate yg berpondok supaya bila smp kt tol xpyah nk susah2 bukak pintu keta tok touch! mcm da pngalaman je kan? mmg me da pengalaman pon.bwahahahahahaha!slalu kena camtu okeh.mklumla,,me kan kecik molek.euwwwwww~ aipppppp,kad TnG n ST MOSTI topup meh!jgn stakat ad je xtpop nk watpe la?

3) jgn melebihi had laju yg ditetapkan. tau2 je la kan Ops sikap dah ad ni kot nk rasa duit nk raya melayang2 je kapas ditiup angin.blewwwwwww.hahaha..pokai sudah! ingat, 110 sahaja if atas Highway,,lebey2 bayar la.tggu lg. 

4)jgn potoooong kiri kalau jln jem naa.ingat la org len pon Q jugak.bole je..apasal korang xbole?cirit ka??..hahah. silap2 potong kiri kan,coihh JPJ dok tggu dpan dah. ap nk kta?? terbang lg..

5) last but not least, pkai seat belt ok b4 memulakan perjalanan jauh korang tuh.itu KEWAJIPAN even me pon jrang me pkai ok if drive kt Highway.yela dak,drive 130/140 xpkai tu nmanya cri pasal.huahuahua.,oso make sure cermin keta depan tu licin tomei ja bg mengelakn bila hujan cermin korang akan jd kabur ya amat!pkaila penggilap cermin.jgn hrap car wash nk sapukan yep,,p beli pastu sapula sendiri.senang kan??

ok! enough for now.bubye buddies kuh!  :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

what u think JB be afte Baligh?

Salam 18 Ramadhan to olls! :)

tragis x title?saja ja wat gempak ckeet.
well, do u olls think what Justin Bieber can be after he reach the "maturity"??
specially bout the VOICE larhhhh.apa lg la kannn

since i got a fren yg dem crazy fanatic with Justin Bieber, i think i must do n ntry bout dis.yeah!

btw Juhi d Chawla aka Azira,dis is specially made for u dear! :)

a song singing by Anuar Zain and Elina,,lagu raya beb!

the latest song-sedetik lebih sing by Anuar Zain.

can u see,hear,listen d different??
what??nothing to do with JB??nope!ad kaitan okeh..wait ar

Baby by Justin Bieber

is it JB's voice will turn like Anuar Zain?if yes, Azira pleas cry now!HAHAHAHA.LOL.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

do i....A.L.O.N.E?

Salam,,peace peace peace.
hows our 16 ramadhan day??!.

i juz found some photos on Tumbler n find it very interesting to write on. these pic seems like got nothing to do with me! Tp,,!nk tulis jugak.huahuahua

1st situation.

can u see d pic clearly?? i called my shayang skut as Moky while my shayang netbuk as Pipi.
i use Moky to go to class while Pipi to on9.  even frens r not there,i hav them.euwww~wahaha..result??im not ALONE.

2nd situation.

 when i watching TV outside while my fon is screaming asking me to get it d mood is "mlas ah!". but then, somthing pop up "hah,HD text kottt" rushing go n get it n d result is???yeahyeahyeah,,HD text not ALONE.

3rd situation.

middle of nite while having chat with hos8 n suddenly my tomei2 tummy speak loudly "dahaga teh tarik lar wehhh".without any doubt. "wei2,,jom kuar ngeteh!" n text HD ask him to go along.again, in not ALONE. telling u truth.. always have them to company me. :)

4rd situation.

once the class is finish, me,adel n juhi walk together to have a meal. though, they never ever left me behind even i think i am "quite" fat n definitely if walk together xmuat punya.haha..quite keerr.,, hehe,,truthfully,im not ALONE.

5th situation.

the contact shown doesnt mean i only hav the 3 contact.since, pizza hut delivery xcover pon area arau..then,what use la kan?deletedeletedelete. well, before i go for my paper pon i da set d date nk hang out. juz like before, i go for a picnic. again. for the same result,,im not ALONE.

6th situation.

okokok,,when i got time,not ALONE okeh.repeat again,when i got time ill check my Facebook,,top of my profile can see the relationship status.the hepi one!weee~
again.i already belong to someone larh!so no not ALONE.I BELONG to God,mom,dad,HD,fren.forever n ever im not ALONE.kihkihkih

Friday, August 12, 2011

tgk x cite ni??every friday on tv3 from 9pm to 10pm.

at first xsuka.mcm hampeh ja tgk ust sauki tuh!..berbini 4 lg.what the fish??!

tp rini punya epi cam best la plakkk.well,,a typical malay oways say dat.huahuahua

puasa dulu puasa sekarang

Assalamualaikum to olls buddies!wehee~ 

*drum rolling*
hari ni da 12 Ramadhan, and me success make my 12 Ramadhan very well. *claping*
ikut calendar la kan,we only left another 17 days more to go!
cam cpat je kan..alih2 da nk msuk mggu kedua puasa
how time flies..while we still di takuk yg lama..
made some changes x ni??haa..

as for me, mosti la byak je prubahan nya kan..
+ve n -ve.standard la weh..mna ad yg perfect lol.

here me nk wat cket comparisonla kan between puasa dulu n puasa skg,,everyone pon mst ad kan..hihihi

kalau dulu puasa xpyah nk sebok2 masak tok bbuka.dok dpan TV nganga la smp bes channel tu ak pusing,xpun tidooo ja. smp ja msa nk bebuka,heh3..MAKAN la.tggu lagiii.
tp skg tepaksa la sebokan diri sbab kna MASAK..huwaa,,cne nk tgk TV nih?slot Lagenda tuh..? me take alternate siap2,b4 cite tu stat kan msak la dulu..xpon,bes ja cite tuh kungkangkungkang kaluit msak.heeeeeee

dulu puasa pas asar cam tu dah kna p masjid amek kanji aka bubur lambuk..kayuh la beskal p.ngekngekngek..ha,cam tu la bunyi dia.haha..mklumla time tu mna hebat lg meronggeng ni.smp umah ja,hooooo penat penat penat yg xsudah2.hihi..ngelat ja tuhhh. tp skg,HAHAHA da xpyah dah wat sume tuh!sudah ad pengganti meh~ wakakakaka

dulu puasa kat asrama,UiTM je laaa.penat dowh.pagi2 je dah kena panjat Batu Caves yg xsupa Batu Caves tu p kelas..,pagi2 panjat ok lg..dpat plak kelas kul 2 ptg kan,azab gila.. kecik besar kecik besar ja tgk tangga tuh! dgn panasnya.houh. tp skg dah puasa kt umah dah (thun ni ja pon,thun dpan??rasakan). tp rasanya thun dpan xpyah hadap dah Batu Caves tu,bole nek Moky je..bwahahahahaha

emm,,pe lg ek?nnt je la smbg lg.tba2 lak cam stuck in d midle.huahuahua,,

neway,slamat bpuasa to olls! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

lok ching ada DNA babi??


few weeks b4,me ad terpk nk post smthing bout satu mknan ni..
seems like very unique la kan sbab ada kot2 area utara ja specially Perlis.
tup2 last day msuk paper,,,ada DNA babi??gempak sial..

mau x,bnda ni mmg me n my fren slalu mkn pon if p jln2 kt Kuala Perlis sana!
n ble kta hot stuff la msa mula2 dperkenalkan dulu..
sgt sedap ok! 
dia mcm some sort of bebola gitu..dibakar atau goreng pastu cicah ngn sos yg super duperb pedas nk mampos!kaw2 punya.named as Lok Ching that come from Thailand.

so,pasni JGN MKN DAH LOK CHING ye..
btw,for more info pasal pengharaman ni  klik sini 

Salam Ramadhan..

realize or not,today me success to fast for d 4th day!yehaaa.
btw,me stil at penang n gonna stay here in 2days time.

past two days,me ad pegi bazar Ramadhan.theres lot of thing huh..
one thing dat mostly attract me is people there luv to Q..disiplin kan?
tp ad je la yg ptong Q tuh..standard la kan.bkn sume yg full of disiplin..

anthor is murtabak dia..hahaha..
very d osome!seyes..sodap bangatt..haish..
2 hari beturut2 la beli murtabak tuu..hehehe..

pastu ad la ayam goreng yg dgoreng ala2 KFC tuh...!
they named it Kelantan Fried Chicken (KFC).bwahahahahaha
hadoii.ntah pape la nma pon,cer pilih yg comei2 ckett..hihihhi

okokok..i am so curious about AIR KATHIRA.
famous ja air nih kt Selatan sana,,
no wonderla kt northern ni xd kan..
some said air kathira made from blended kurma n etc that give lot of energy.xtaula plak kesahihan die tuh kan..
yelah,tgk pon xpenah apa lg minum dia kan?lg la xpernah..
well i do need someone to clear me out bout air kathira nih...
nk tya sape ek??..hmmm