Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ak terima.....

awat gelak sakan ni??? 
sini ad taq tentang si dia! pdan muka,kecoh sgt nk add blog ni kan..
so,,i prepare smthing 4 u dear...
a tag about u,,ngeh3

1. First time jumpa with your hanybuny bila and kat mana
hmm..fest time jmp dkat tmpat amek ujian komputer..hehehe...ermm xclap 16 dec 2006!yes im rite,,in d morning

2. Love at first sight?
blom tgk sudah cinta daaa ;P

3. Who is he when the first time u met him?
he?sukar dtafsirkan,,bcoz he is wearing taekwando suit on our fest date. ahli taekwando kah???
we ask him later oke

4. How long it takes for him to ask u out for a date?
aiyak! sme2 ajak kuar xclap..but,b4 kuar dia dpakse nta gmbar tlbih dahlu...huuuu

5. First place dating di?
.minum teh ais je,,lasung xmkn. punyala kecut..hahaha,,pdahal perot dh kroh3 minx mkanan

6. How he proposed?
ha,part ni siok! kapel msg je wehhh,kul 4 pg lg.

7. Special date with your hunybuny?
declare kapel on 6 dec 2006 (nice date rite??)
si dia punya besday on 22 feb 1989

8. Changes that he asked you to do?
pkai tudung lepas kbawah..(b a gud Muslimah opkos,,tp xpenah ikut pon, not ready yet.sori sayang.. :)

9. What is about him that you love so much?
he??sgt bsabar dengan saya..huhuhu..walau ap pon saya ckap n buat.he redha all d time. pling2 protes pon,,'watla ikut ska'
i luv u sayang :)

10. What is about him that u wish he would change?
jadikan sye sgalanya sbelom kwan2 anda! sya mmg mrah bila bbicara mngenai hal ini!btol.tidak tipu!

11. You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?
xdgr ckap plus sgt2 dgil..MasyaAllah...

12. You will smile tru your eyes for the whole day when he?
manjakan saye...become so romantisss.hehehehe

13. complete below sentences
"My love towards my hunybuny is as big as.
after my love towards Allah n Parents,,that is YOU! AMIR AZLAN

emm..nk gambar x?letak la eh satu pic..hehehe
me n my booo
miss u la!bla nk blik dr kelantan ni...??
what?yes,he is. he is KELANTANESE but mnetap di perlis.. :0

xckup la pic satu je,,cam xmeriah je.tempek lg lah..jap eh
nak g selongkar cd.ngeh3...

pic mse part 2.hehehe..bukak posa time at kola pelis!

part 1 jua,,,snap by soso
muke nak anak2 je

gua kelam jua. snap by sue or mas juga

part 3 at gua kelam. snap by mas or sue..xngat la dear
to my dearest:slmat mentelaah blog ini.entri ini spesel disediakan untuk kamo kerana kamo nk tgk sgt,hehehehe,,jgn mare,nnt kena jual 


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